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M.p.s tennis
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... ce groupe est reserve aux membres de la page m.p.s. cela nous servira a voir notre progression dans ce sport, avoir des echanges et evoluer ensemble....
groupe d echange pr les membres de m.p.s. ... voir notre evolution dans ce sport...
गुरु 29
Hellsexyboy left the group
गुरु 29
houna31 left the group
बुध 5
deus left the group
मंगल 24
Jon69 joined the group
सोम 16
Pilou62 joined the group
सोम 20
hellboy57200 joined the group
सोम 20
houna31 joined the group
शुक्र 17
RICOloco joined the group
गुरु 16
Timothée Tiercelin joined the group
सोम 6
Hellsexyboy joined the group
रवि 28
Damoniaque joined the group
बुध 24
Damoniaque left the group
सोम 22
Boccaccio left the group
सोम 18
deus joined the group
सोम 11
Damoniaque joined the group
रवि 10
Julien Baillon joined the group
गुरु 7
Boccaccio has created the group
They are in the group